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A member registered Aug 05, 2020

Recent community posts

Amazing game, I'm waiting for future updates <3

This game looks amazing, i hope it won't be abandoned. I'm waiting for future updates

This game looks pretty cool for now, i cant wait for future updates, good luck <3

(1 edit)

When i gry to "extract folder" to my folder (wow) with 18+ games i cant see anything new.

Teoreticly this extractor (?) Says TLS folder exist but i cant find it.

I have this problem everytime when i try to download sth from this app (?) (I mean this blue cube icon sth)

Plz help cause i cant Play in sooooo many games i want to :(((((

This game is The best "porn game" i'v play, Thank u for creating this, and I hope u add new endings soon. 

Ps. And little questions:

U plan add playable woman character?

And game have wapons or armors yet?

Thanks for answers and have A Good... Idk, week haha